Friday, November 21, 2014

Actively Engaged Students

Teachers get students to be more active by having the students write stories/share the stories that they write, play games, read aloud, and worksheets. These activities help the students learn to be respectful to their class mates, and how to answer questions on worksheets. It's important to get students actively involved because they can learn more through experiences. Students may enjoy learning more when they are being involved.

These activities that teachers do are wonderful to get children actively engage. When students write and share with the class their story they are excited about it. It helps them want to write and share more with their class mates. By playing games students are able to gain friendships with their class mates and learn how to be social with one another. Some students do not like reading aloud because they are not confident in themselves, but reading aloud is important for the students to learn how to sound out each word correctly. Doing worksheets actively engage students, even when some students do not like worksheets. I feel that it's important to do worksheets but let the students help one another when someone asks a question. If no one know the answer then the teacher needs to help them out with the answer. These activities are wonderful to get students more actively engaged in their education.

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