Friday, October 17, 2014


I have a few responsibilities were I volunteer. When I get to the school I need to make sure that each student is behaving good at their stations. I go around to each station and help the students by answering their questions, that are usually about what they are needing to do. Each time the students switch stations I help those at the computers log in and remind them to take their spelling test. I also help by correcting the students assignments.

As I go around to the different stations the teacher is at the reading station. Where the students learn more about reading. She expects me to help the rest of the students with their questions and keep them quit during the stations. The teacher wants me to do this because it helps her get more things done with the students at the reading station. These are my responsibilities as a volunteer and the teacher expects me to help her with the students.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Disabilties IDEA

What results of laws like IDEA do you see in the school?

When I look around the school that I volunteer at, I see that the teachers love those with disabilities. The teachers' inspire the disabled to learn more about speaking, math, and other teachings. Teachers' help those with disabilities by getting them excited about learning or playing with their peers. Teachers' try their best to include the disabled in class activities.

When I look at the disabled students they look like they are enjoying themselves with their teachers'. Sometimes the disabled students have a hard time with understanding what is being taught, so they start getting frustrated. Even though it is harder for students with disability to learn, they can still learn the same thing that other students learn. It's good that there are programs for disables, so they can learn at a speed that is steady instead at a fast paste with their peers.