Friday, December 12, 2014

Most Important

Throughout my service I learned that the most important thing for Elementary students, is letting them know that you care about them. I've seen students that know that their teacher cares about them and other students' that thing otherwise. I realized that the students that know that their teacher cares about them do a lot better in obeying and respecting the teacher. Those students' that think that their teacher doesn't care may be more rebellious in the class.

The class that I did my service for the teacher was wonderful. She cared about all of her students' and tried to show them through teaching them. The teacher helped me know that the most important thing is to care for the students' and treat them all equally when they get into trouble. This was a wonderful learning experience for me.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Classroom rules

There are many school and classroom rules that are needed. One of the big rules for school and classroom is being respectful to those around you (including teachers). How teachers enforce this rule is by being respectful to their students. Another way teachers enforce this rule is having the class listen to their peers when they talk.

For every rule that schools and classrooms have the teachers/facility may enforce them differently or the same. Usually they enforce the rules by reminding the students of the rules and what the punishments will be if they do not follow. When a student disobeys, the teachers may give them warnings and when they get up to 3 warning they have to see the principle or call the students parents. This helps students realize that they done something wrong and need to change how they are acting.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Actively Engaged Students

Teachers get students to be more active by having the students write stories/share the stories that they write, play games, read aloud, and worksheets. These activities help the students learn to be respectful to their class mates, and how to answer questions on worksheets. It's important to get students actively involved because they can learn more through experiences. Students may enjoy learning more when they are being involved.

These activities that teachers do are wonderful to get children actively engage. When students write and share with the class their story they are excited about it. It helps them want to write and share more with their class mates. By playing games students are able to gain friendships with their class mates and learn how to be social with one another. Some students do not like reading aloud because they are not confident in themselves, but reading aloud is important for the students to learn how to sound out each word correctly. Doing worksheets actively engage students, even when some students do not like worksheets. I feel that it's important to do worksheets but let the students help one another when someone asks a question. If no one know the answer then the teacher needs to help them out with the answer. These activities are wonderful to get students more actively engaged in their education.

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Most Important Role of a Teacher

I think the most important role of a teacher is to love/care for their students. This is important because the teacher will love teaching their students more and not think it's a waste of time. Teachers will be able to get the students more involved in the class more because the students can see that their teacher is wanting to be a friend. I feel that when a teacher shows that they love/care about their students the class room has a feeling of welcome.

Students need a teacher that shows them that they care about them. When students feel love from their teachers they tend to do better in school. Students like it when teachers show that they care about them because it makes them feel important. When students feel love from their teachers they may want to do better in life. This is why love/caring is the most important role of a teacher.

Friday, October 17, 2014


I have a few responsibilities were I volunteer. When I get to the school I need to make sure that each student is behaving good at their stations. I go around to each station and help the students by answering their questions, that are usually about what they are needing to do. Each time the students switch stations I help those at the computers log in and remind them to take their spelling test. I also help by correcting the students assignments.

As I go around to the different stations the teacher is at the reading station. Where the students learn more about reading. She expects me to help the rest of the students with their questions and keep them quit during the stations. The teacher wants me to do this because it helps her get more things done with the students at the reading station. These are my responsibilities as a volunteer and the teacher expects me to help her with the students.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Disabilties IDEA

What results of laws like IDEA do you see in the school?

When I look around the school that I volunteer at, I see that the teachers love those with disabilities. The teachers' inspire the disabled to learn more about speaking, math, and other teachings. Teachers' help those with disabilities by getting them excited about learning or playing with their peers. Teachers' try their best to include the disabled in class activities.

When I look at the disabled students they look like they are enjoying themselves with their teachers'. Sometimes the disabled students have a hard time with understanding what is being taught, so they start getting frustrated. Even though it is harder for students with disability to learn, they can still learn the same thing that other students learn. It's good that there are programs for disables, so they can learn at a speed that is steady instead at a fast paste with their peers.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Small Groups Of Students

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work with a small group of students. I watch them and make sure they are doing their work. When a student gets done with a page in their assignment I grade it and if need help them know why they got the answer wrong. I would ask them questions to see if they understand what is needing to change. The students are wonderful students when they listen and obey.

One day the students would not listen to what I told them. None of the students wanted to do their work. They just wanted to talk and do the opposite of what I tell them. That day I learned that students will not always do what you want them to do. They will have days when they just want to socialize with one another. I understand why teachers would give students warnings. Even though that hour was a hard time I still enjoyed it.

Friday, September 12, 2014

What does a teacher do all day?

What does a teacher do all day? A teacher works all day, trying to help his/her students learn. Teachers teach their students how to be respectful to their classmates, friends, family, and people around them. Teachers inspire children to do their best in journals, reading, and many more activities. Without teachers children wouldn't be able to learn.

Teachers also do fun activities, that students can learn from. There's an activity called stations. What the students do is they go to different tables and learn from the different activities on the table. Teachers are very creative with learning activities.